5.2: The Thunder King
- December 11th ‒ Isle of Thunder 1st stage (9 AM), Throne of Thunder Normal (6 PM).
- December 18th ‒ Throne of Thunder LFR 1st wing (Last Stand of the Zandalari).
- December 25th ‒ Throne of Thunder LFR 2nd wing (Forgotten Depths).
- January 1st ‒ Throne of Thunder LFR 3rd wing (Halls of Flesh-Shaping).
- January 8th ‒ Throne of Thunder Heroic, LFR 4th wing (Pinnacle of Storms).
- January 11th ‒ Isle of Thunder 2nd stage
- February 4th ‒ Isle of Thunder 3rd stage
- February 21st ‒ Isle of Thunder 4th stage
- March 6th ‒ Isle of Thunder 5th stage
- March 17th ‒ Isle of Thunder finished
Throne of Thunder
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 20% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 20% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Tier 14
Mogu’shan Vaults
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Heart of Fear
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Terrace of Endless Spring
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction