Throne of Thunder on the PTR!
Posted 10 months ago
- While all bosses should have their mechanics nearly finished, the raid is still in an early state, and there will definitely be more updates as we do our research and polish the experience.
- You can access the raid by using our custom NPC found in all starting zones and capitals and close to all MoP instances. A new feature added to this NPC is the option to reset all instance locks (you need to leave the group to use this option).
- We have also made a new NPC to teleport you to a selected boss, so you don’t have to kill all the previous bosses. This and the previous raid helper NPC (offering damage, health, healing, and periodic full heal buffs) are spawned at the start of the raid and at a location of each boss.
- Health, melee damage and immunities, as well as tier 15 set bonuses, are not done yet ‒ please do not report issues related to this, as those aspects will change in the future.
- In this or any other raids on MoP PTR, you can now enter MoP raids without a raid group, and you can also enter Heroic difficulty raids without clearing the Normal difficulty first.
- Information for testing specific bosses: Megaera needs to be summoned first by clicking on three bells located in her cave. Ra-den will only spawn after Lei Shen is defeated; you will not find him there otherwise.