Changelog 11.11.2023 – 28.02.2024 (175 fixes)
Posted 1 year ago
Spells (28) | ||
Consumable | ||
Added missing Water Gliding effect when accepting some daily quests in Orgrimmar, Stormwind City and Tol Barad Peninsula | ||
Druid | ||
Healing Touch, Regrowth and Nourish now also recalculate Lifebloom’s healing amount | ||
Refreshing Lifebloom by Healing Touch, Regrowth or Nourish now always applies Harmony to its periodic healing, even when it was not active before casting those spells | ||
Regrowth’s periodic healing is now always affected by Harmony, even when it was not already active before casting Regrowth | ||
Hunter | ||
Eternal Guardian (Quilen Hunter Pet) now works correctly with limited combat resurrections in raid instances | ||
Monk | ||
Rushing Jade Wind’s healing is now reduced by 20% for Mistweaver Monks | ||
Paladin | ||
#3362 | Fixed a bug which caused periodic damage to not grant any Vengeance | |
Priest | ||
#4598 | Binding Heal can no longer consume Inner Focus | |
Rogue | ||
Removed no longer needed code that is now handled generically | ||
Future on Fire, Fiery Devastation and Master of Flames buffs are now correctly removed when Rogue T12 4P Bonus is unequipped | ||
Shaman | ||
#4505 | Restorative Mists triggered from Restoration Shaman’s Ascendance is no longer affected by Battle Fatigue | |
#4499 | Glyph of Purging now only grants stacks of Maelstrom Weapon on successful Purge for Enhancement Shamans | |
Healing Rain now recalculates its tick speed with every tick, instead of calculating it once on application | ||
#4509 | Totems (and other creatures with pet scaling) now correctly get Hit Chance from auras that only grant Spell Hit Chance | |
#4501 | Unleashed Fury now correctly affects Riptide’s periodic healing | |
Warlock | ||
#4502 | Grimoire of Sacrifice now also increases damage of Wild Imp’s Fel Firebolt | |
#4423 | Players can no longer cast Health Funnel if their demon is not in line of sight | |
Other | ||
#4478 | Decimate now correctly does damage equal to 50% of target’s current health | |
Enchanted Essence is now always correctly applied to players in Gokk’lok’s Grotto | ||
#4159 | Fixed a bug which caused items with required profession skill to be unequipped during map transfer when the required skill was reached with the help of racials or other bonuses | |
Mass Resurrection can no longer be used in Challenge Mode dungeons | ||
#3625 | Mazu’s Breath is no longer sometimes incorrectly removed when swimming under structures built above water | |
#3625 | Mazu’s Breath is now always correctly applied to players in Shelf of Mazu or Lonesome Cove | |
Presence of Tarecgosa’s spell duplication now behaves in exactly the same way as Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest | ||
#4386 | Reworked handling | |
#3267 | Strange Aura now correctly fades away if the player leaves Cenarion Thicket | |
#4650 | Swarming Insects in Townlong Steppes now correctly dismount players | |
#4514 | Warlock’s Soul Link no longer consumes charges of Voidlord’s Void Shield | |
Dungeons (22) | ||
#4599 | Baradin Hold | Creatures in Baradin Hold are no longer linked to Cataclysm arena seasons |
#3291 | Grim Batol | Erudax no longer announces Shield of Nightmares if Faceless Corruptor is dead |
#3031 | Halls of Origination | Isiset – Celestial Familiar’s death no longer causes Mirror Images phase to cancel |
#2582 | Serpentshrine Cavern | Lady Vashj – Increased despawn timer of dead Tainted Elementals |
#2582 | Serpentshrine Cavern | The Lurker Below – Boss no longer resets when players exit the water |
#1283 | The Eye of Eternity | Malygos – Reworked Arcane Overload |
#2854 | Throne of the Tides | Neptulon can no longer respawn after the final boss encounter is completed |
#2819 | Violet Hold | Zuramat the Obliterator – Void Sentries now correctly despawn when Zuramat the Obliterator is defeated |
#3348 | Zul’Aman | Fixed achievement Bear-ly Made It |
#2621 | Zul’Gurub | Reworked some boss encounters in Zul’Gurub |
#25 | [5.0.4][Dungeon] Siege of Niuzao Temple | Commander Vo’jak – Achievement “Where’s My Air Support?” can now only be completed in Heroic difficulty |
#2107 | [5.0.4][Raid] Mogu’shan Vaults | Fixed “And… It’s Good!” achievement |
#460 | [5.0.4][Scenario] Brewmoon Festival | Corrected “Yaungolian Barbecue” and “Binan Village All-Star” achievements |
#461 | [5.0.4][Scenario] Crypt of Forgotten Kings | Jin Ironfist – Fixed Enrage |
#466 | [5.1.0][Scenario] A Little Patience | Fixed trap visuals |
#465 | [5.1.0][Scenario] Assault on Zan’vess | Implemented and enabled Assault on Zan’vess scenario |
#465 | [5.1.0][Scenario] Assault on Zan’vess | Players now have to kill all Zan’thik Guardians in order to remove their Protective Shell from Sonic Towers |
#467 | [5.1.0][Scenario] Dagger in the Dark | Implemented and enabled Dagger in the Dark scenario |
#468 | [5.1.0][Scenario] Domination Point | Implemented and enabled Domination Point scenario |
#469 | [5.1.0][Scenario] Lion’s Landing | Implemented and enabled Lion’s Landing scenario |
#3460 | [5.2.0][Raid] Throne of Thunder | Added trash and scripted all events in Throne of Thunder |
#3460 | [5.2.0][Raid] Throne of Thunder | Added initial instance data for Throne of Thunder |
Mechanics (2) | ||
Bonus roll chance | Added system message with bonus roll item drop chance | |
Guild Level Achievements | Missing “Guild Level” achievements are now awarded to guilds when any of their members log in the game | |
General (53) | ||
Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom | Reworked some boss encounters in Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom | |
Blackrock Depths | Corrections to Ring of Law boss encounters | |
Cataclysm Dungeons | Bosses in The Stonecore, Throne of the Tides and Halls of Origination now correctly reset if they leave their encounter area | |
Cataclysm Dungeons | Improved handling of boss encounter doors in The Stonecore, Throne of the Tides and Halls of Origination | |
#3880 | Challenge Mode | Reforged stats are now correctly distributed in 60/40 ratio in Challenge Mode dungeons |
#3880 | Challenge Mode | Implemented compensation for Hit, Expertise and Spirit lost due to reduced item level in Challenge Mode dungeons |
#3880 | Challenge Mode | Players no longer lose item durability when fighting or dying in Challenge Mode dungeons |
Character Delete | Player characters with Heirloom items in their inventory or pending mail can no longer be deleted | |
Cone Spells | Reworked searching for targets in cone to better imitate retail behavior | |
Creature Pets | Some creature spells now correctly despawn previous pet when creature summons a new one | |
Equipped Items | Weapons are now disabled instead of automatically unequipped when they become unequippable due to losing Dual Wield or Titan’s Grip | |
Feast of Winter Veil | Added new “A Winter Veil Gift” quests and corrected loot contained in all gifts and presents | |
Feast of Winter Veil | Corrected texts and emotes of a few Feast of Winter Veil quests | |
Feast of Winter Veil | Players now need to be at least level 80 to be able to accept “You’re a Mean One…” daily quest | |
Game Objects | Correctly implemented new GameObject type | |
#3681 | Global – Arenas | Fixed a bug which sometimes caused doors in Tol’Viron Arena and The Tiger’s Peak to not spawn properly |
Guild UI | Achievement Points of other guild members are now correctly displayed in Guild UI | |
#4651 | Instance Lock issues | Switching between Dungeon or Raid Difficulties no longer resets all instances – players now have to use “Reset all instances” button to achieve this |
#4651 | Instance Lock issues | Fixed a race condition that sometimes occurred when player clicked on Extend Raid Lock or Remove Raid Lock Extension buttons |
#4651 | Instance Lock issues | Fixed Extend Raid Lock function |
Item Containers | Fixed a bug which prevented opened containers from being moved, traded or mailed until logout | |
Item Durability | Broken items that are a part of a set no longer count towards completion of the set | |
Level Restriction | Fixed a bug which caused spells to ignore level limit when targeting their caster | |
Money Loot | Added money loot for many creatures in Cataclysm zones | |
Old Hillsbrad Foothills | Corrected saving of completed events and boss encounters | |
#3587 | Pet Movement Speed | Pets no longer fall behind while following their mounted owner in combat |
Pilgrim’s Bounty | Correctly implemented some Pilgrim’s Bounty achievements | |
Pit of Saron | Improved Scourgelord Tyrannus boss encounter and some other changes | |
PvP Guards | Casting a helpful spell at another player no longer causes guards to turn hostile | |
Raid Buffs | Fixed a bug which caused some raid buffs to not be removed when leaving a group | |
The Deadmines | Reworked some boss encounters in The Deadmines | |
The Ring of Blood | Reworked the entire “The Ring of Blood” questline in Nagrand | |
Titles | PvP titles are no longer account-wide | |
#4578 | Trinket Procs | Procs triggered from items are no longer removed when the item is unequipped |
#4649 | World Bosses | Immunities no longer cause players to not get kill credit or bonus loot from Pandaria world bosses |
#4558 | [5.1.0] Brawler’s Guild | Fixed “Bottle Service” achievement |
#4558 | [5.1.0] Brawler’s Guild | Added spawns and visuals for Horde Brawler’s Guild |
#4558 | [5.1.0] Brawler’s Guild | Added spawns and visuals for Alliance Brawler’s Guild |
#4558 | [5.1.0] Brawler’s Guild | Implemented all boss encounters in Brawler’s Guild for patch 5.1.0 |
[5.1.0] Landfall Campaign | Scripted most of patch 5.1.0 Landfall campaign, currently available on the PTR | |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed double dip with Beast passive |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Pets now correctly use abilities selected before death, after their Undead/Mechanical passive revives them |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Reworked hit chance calculation |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Chew pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Soothe pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Call Lightning pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Plagued Blood pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Falling Murloc pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Immolate pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Decoy pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Fixed Moth Dust pet ability |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Wild Silkworm can no longer appear as a secondary pet in Valley of the Four Winds |
#118 | [Pet Battles] Global | Quake battle pet ability can now also damage backline pets |
PvP (4) | ||
#2716 | Specific Battleground – Reward | Winning a specific battleground no longer grants any rewards |
#923 | [Battleground] Eye of the Storm | Fixed “Take a Chill Pill” achievement |
#923 | [Battleground] Eye of the Storm | Fixed “Bloodthirsty Berserker” achievement |
#927 | [Battleground] Strand of the Ancients | Players can no longer place two Massive Seaforium Charges if they use them again at the end of the cast |
World Event (1) | ||
#4112 | Love is in the Air | Corrected date of Love is in the Air event |
Quests (22) | ||
Dungeons – Grim Batol | ||
#4570 | Killing Trogg Dwellers now correctly counts in “Trogg Dweler slain” criteria | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Gilneas | ||
Reworked quest “Last Chance at Humanity” | ||
Eastern Kingdoms – Twilight Highlands | ||
#2426 | Fixed a bug which caused creatures related to “Draconic Mending” quest to spawn in excessive numbers | |
Corrections to “Drag ’em Down” quest | ||
#2962 | Corrections to “Fight Like a Wildhammer” quest | |
Corrections to “Last of Her Kind” quest | ||
Corrections to “The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!” quest | ||
Eastern Kingdoms – Western Plaguelands | ||
Corrected event with Darkmaster Gandling (both Alliance and Horde versions) | ||
Kalimdor – Mount Hyjal | ||
Reworked spawning of creatures related to “In the Rear With the Gear” quest | ||
Spirit of Lo’Gosh/Spirit of Goldrinn can now be summoned while casting | ||
Northrend – Borean Tundra | ||
#4586 | Heart of Ragnaros now correctly stays behind even after Ragnaros despawns | |
Northrend – Howling Fjord | ||
Added more spawn positions for Iron Dwarf Relics | ||
Northrend – Icecrown | ||
Corrections to “Assault by Air” quest (both Alliance and Horde versions) | ||
Outland – Hellfire Peninsula | ||
#4283 | Corrections to “Arelion’s Secret” quest | |
The Maelstrom – Kezan | ||
#2522 | Fixed visual issues in quest UI | |
The Maelstrom – Tol Barad Peninsula | ||
#2751 | Quest reworked (both Alliance and Horde versions) | |
Uncategorized | ||
Fixed interaction with Stonespeaker’s Luring Totem | ||
Uncategorized – Dread Wastes | ||
#4523 | Bringing Motherseeds to the collection pit now correctly grants quest credit | |
Uncategorized – Townlong Steppes | ||
#4398 | Interacting with Ruthers for the first time no longer causes Pet Gently to interrupt immediately | |
Uncategorized – Valley of the Four Winds | ||
#4602 | Li Li now correctly starts following players again after each mini event | |
World Events – Darkmoon Faire | ||
#4654 | Added visual effect when player doesn’t hit shooting targets | |
#4653 | Added visual effect when player doesn’t hit Enemy Tonk, Enemy MiniZep or Tonk Target | |
Achievements (5) | ||
#4618 | Fixed “Challenge Mode Dungeon Challenges” guild achievement | |
#4480 | Fixed “Only the Penitent…” achievement | |
#4584 | Food chairs now display the correct model for players | |
#4543 | Honorary Brewmaster Keg is now correctly mailed to players who complete Pub Crawl achievement | |
#3163 | Added achievement reward | |
NPCs (24) | ||
Desolace | ||
Corrected spells used by Burning Blade Warlocks | ||
Corrected spells used by Burning Blade Warlocks | ||
Heart of Fear | ||
#2116 | Overwhelming Assault is now delayed correctly if the target is not in range | |
#2120 | Added Poison Bomb ability to Kor’thik Reavers | |
#2120 | Heart of Fear visual no longer targets pets | |
Krasarang Wilds | ||
#4603 | Added event to spawn Feverbite by killing Feverbite Hatchlings in Krasarang Wilds | |
Kun-Lai Summit | ||
The Metal Paw can now sell Honorary Brewmaster Keg to players who completed Pub Crawl achievement | ||
Mogu’shan Vaults | ||
#2112 | Necrotic Strike (and other slow effects) no longer work against Elegon | |
#2111 | Subetai the Swift now continues to use Pillage even when defeated | |
#2112 | Fixed “Straight Six” achievement | |
#2110 | Fixed “Sorry, Were You Looking for This?” achievement | |
#2111 | Fixed “Getting Hot In Here” achievement | |
#2113 | Players can no longer see some triggers related to this boss encounter | |
#2113 | Fixed “Show Me Your Moves!” achievement | |
Mount Hyjal | ||
Young Twilight Drakes no longer respawn instantly | ||
Terokkar Forest | ||
#4110 | Empoor now correctly respawns a few minutes after his death even if his Bodyguard didn’t die | |
Terrace of Endless Spring | ||
#2124 | Fixed Scary Fog debuff stacking | |
#2124 | Bonus roll no longer fails when affected by Killing Spree or other similar effects | |
#2125 | Pure Light is now correctly summoned again if Champion of the Light is removed by abilities such as Vanish | |
#2125 | Sha of Fear can no longer die while submerged | |
#2123 | Tsulong is now treated as a raid unit while in The Day phase, this allows him to be targeted by raid spells | |
The Jade Forest | ||
#4595 | Added option to make Sri-La Inn your home | |
Multiple Locations | ||
Wounded Mor’shan Defender no longer attack nearby enemies | ||
Unknown Location | ||
#4693 | Yor now correctly becomes attackable after spawning in | |
Items (12) | ||
#4560 | Ashstone Core pet is now correctly learned after item use | |
#4507 | Fixed a bug which prevented Crown of Eternal Winter from being used as a source item for transmogrification | |
#4636 | Elixir of Ancient Knowledge is now correctly removed when player levels up above level 84 | |
#4688 | Honorary Brewmaster Keg now correctly applies a visual effect | |
#4508 | Fixed a bug which prevented Hood of Hungering Darkness from being used as a source item for transmogrification | |
#4506 | Fixed a bug which prevented Jewel of the Firelord from being used as a source item for transmogrification | |
#3833 | Magic Banana now correctly stuns players who walk over it | |
#4569 | Manipulator’s Talisman now correctly triggers additional damage from pet attacks | |
#1286 | Ominous Seed can now only target unoccupied tiles | |
#3897 | Charmed critters now despawn when their Panflute Melody expires | |
#4690 | Rustberg Gull now teaches the correct pet, the old incorrect ones have been converted | |
#4620 | Reworked loot contained in Stolen Present | |
Objects (2) | ||
#4644 | Corrected descriptions of statues in Armsmaster Harlan’s room in Scarlet Halls | |
#4594 | Chastised debuff is now applied to players who loot Offering of Remembrance |
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