Cross-Faction Mount Accessibility and New Content Update
Dear players,
we hope that your adventures have been as thrilling as they have been rewarding. We would like to inform you of a couple of news regarding Helios and our progress throughout Mists of Pandaria!
First of all, as of today’s morning, the reductions in heroic raids have been lowered, with these current values:
Mogu’shan Vaults
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Heart of Fear
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Terrace of Endless Spring
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
We are also getting closer towards patch 5.1: we have started testing 3 new scenarios ‒ Domination Point, Lion’s Landing, and Dagger in the Dark (the last one is missing achievements) on the PTR, so if you want to help, please check them out and report any issues.
We would also like to mention a minor change regarding account-wide mounts. In patch 5.0, we made all of your mounts available account-wide. Some mounts are available across both faction’s characters, but generally, faction-specific ones are not.
In response to your feedback, we will be making adjustments to this system to match changes introduced in patch 5.1. In the case of a few faction-specific mounts, an equivalent mount will be available to your characters on the other faction. We are still forming the final list of mounts that will be auto-shared this way, but we are expecting Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth and Mekgineer’s Chopper/Mechano-Hog to be among them.
Last but not least, we’re also preparing a new Content Schedule for the upcoming future, so that you don’t miss the important releases of cool new content and features!
Helios Team
Váženà hráči,
doufáme, Ĺľe si uĹľĂváte vzrušujĂcĂ a napĂnavá dobrodruĹľstvĂ. Rádi bychom vás informovali o nÄ›kolika novinkách ohlednÄ› Heliosu a našich pokrokĹŻ v celĂ©m Mists of Pandaria!
NejdĹ™Ăve bychom chtÄ›li uvĂ©st, Ĺľe od dnešnĂho rána jsou redukce v heroickĂ˝ch verzĂch raidĹŻ snĂĹľeny na tyto hodnoty:
Mogu’shan Vaults
10-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal/absorb
25-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal absorb
Heart of Fear
10-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal/absorb
25-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal absorb
Terrace of Endless Spring
10-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal/absorb
25-man heroic: 10% redukce na veškerý damage/heal absorb
TakĂ© se blĂĹľĂme k patchi 5.1: zahájili jsme testovánĂ 3 novĂ˝ch scenárià – Domination Point, Lion’s Landing a Dagger in the Dark (u poslednĂho ještÄ› nefungujĂ achievmenty) na PTR, takĹľe pokud chcete pomoci, neváhejte je vyzkoušet a nahlásit jakĂ©koliv problĂ©my.
Dále bychom rádi zmĂnili menšà zmÄ›nu ohlednÄ› mountĹŻ, kteřà jsou spoleÄŤnĂ pro celĂ˝ účet (account-wide). Na patchi 5.0 jsme všechny mounty zĂskanĂ© na jakĂ©koliv postavÄ› uÄŤinili dostupnĂ˝mi pro celĂ˝ účet. NÄ›kteřà mounti jsou dostupnĂ pro postavy obou frakcĂ, nicmĂ©nÄ› to pro mounty specifickĂ© pro jednu z frakci zásadnÄ› neplatĂ.
V návaznosti na vaši zpÄ›tnou vazbu provedeme Ăşpravy tohoto systĂ©mu, aby odpovĂdal zmÄ›nám zavedenĂ˝m v patchi 5.1. V pĹ™ĂpadÄ› nÄ›kolika mountĹŻ, kteřà jsou dostupnĂ jen pro jednu z frakcĂ, bude moĹľno na postavách opaÄŤnĂ© frakce pouĹľĂt ekvivalenty tÄ›chto mountĹŻ. Stále ještÄ› dokonÄŤujeme seznam mountĹŻ, kteřà budou tĂmto zpĹŻsobem automaticky sdĂleni, ale pĹ™edpokládáme, Ĺľe Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth a Mekgineer’s Chopper/Mechano-Hog budou mezi nimi.
V neposlednĂ Ĺ™adÄ› pĹ™ipravujeme novĂ˝ rozpis contentu (Content Schedule), kterĂ˝ bude zprovoznÄ›n v blĂzkĂ© budoucnosti, abyste neprošvihli dĹŻleĹľitá data, pĹ™i nichĹľ dojde ke spuštÄ›nĂ novĂ©ho contentu a funkcĂ.
UĹľĂvejte si hry!
Tým Helios