Changelog 25.07.2023 – 03.09.2023 (118 fixes)

Spells (10)
#4407 Alter Time no longer removes Lei Shi’s Scary Fog
#4379 Hand of Freedom (and other similar spells) now correctly apply their immunity to casted spells that have not processed their effects yet
#4371 Paladin T10 Retribution 4P Bonus (also used as a T14 Retribution 4P Bonus) now also increases damage done by Seal of Justice and Seal of Truth
#4374 Divine Shield now correctly makes players immune to Sin and Punishment horror effect
Ascendance can no longer proc from Healing Stream Totem, Ancestral Guidance and Healing Tide
#4176 Player spells that remove DoT effects can no longer remove DoTs stored by Soul Swap
Ancestral Guidance can no longer proc from Restorative Mists (proc from Ascendance)
Imp’s Cauterize Master now correctly sets cooldown on Command Demon when used
Detox can no longer heal Tsulong when Glyph of Detox is used
#3886 Unleashed Wrath can now only target 10 players at most
Dungeons (3)
Halls of Origination Players’ progress in The Vault of Lights is now correctly restored after server restart
Halls of Origination Anraphet, Isiset, Ammunae, Setesh and Rajh now despawn on evade
#2992 The Culling of Stratholme Intro event in The Culling of Stratholme can be skipped now
General (14)
Addon Channel Addon messages are now also sent to senders with correct realm addresses and receivers – addons like Deadly Boss Mods should now work correctly
#3384 Assault on Bash’ir Landing Implemented world event and reworked spawns in area
Cooldown Reset Pet cooldowns are now also reset when duel starts
Dreadful Gladiator’s Weapons Added Dreadful Gladiator’s weapons to vendors for Honor Points – custom change to help new players, these weapons were never available in retail version
#895 Global – Random Dungeon Finder Alliance and Horde creatures no longer attack players of opposing faction in cross-faction dungeons
Guardian AI Guardians no longer try to attack enemy targets that are no longer attackable
Guild Finder Deleted player characters are now correctly removed from Guild Finder
#46 Herbalism Fixed gaining Herbalism skill from gathering Earthroot, Mageroyal, Briarthorn and Bruiseweed after recent skill requirement changes
#42 Inscription Added Techniques for glyphs (including those added in patch 5.4.0) to world drop in Pandaria
#2563 Item Upgrade Reforged stats are now calculated correctly for upgraded items
#45 Mining Fixed gaining Mining skill from gathering Tin Vein after recent skill requirement changes
Mining Veins & Herbs Corrected game object data and loot of various mining veins and herbs
#1163 Sunsong Ranch If a player is Best Friends with all Tillers, bonus seeds are now correctly rewarded for harvesting crops, instead of gifts
#4336 Warsong Gulch Added custom collision for some map objects like tree stumps
PvP (10)
#4373 Conquest Points Catch Up System Added catch up system for Conquest Points
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Players can now ride Wintergrasp Siege Engine
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Reduced health scaling coefficient for Wintergrasp vehicles
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Players now have to be at level 90 to join Wintergrasp battle
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Essence of Wintergrasp is now correctly applied to players in Northrend when their faction controls Wintergrasp
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Fixed visual of Wintergrasp Fortress’ walls
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Corrected creature spawns while Wintergrasp battle is not in progress
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Warsong Champions and Valiance Expedition Champions now correctly fight each other
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Victory in Wintergrasp quest now rewards 75 Honor Points
#2387 [Battleground] Wintergrasp Fixed Recruit rank
Quests (23)
Eastern Kingdoms – Burning Steppes
#2422 Each troop can now reward more than one quest credit
Kalimdor – Mount Hyjal
#4043 Fixed event with Marion Wormwing
Outland – Nagrand
#4434 Rokdar the Sundered Lord can no longer despawn when still in combat with players
Outland – Shadowmoon Valley
#3368 Quest can be completed while mounted now
Professions – Fishing
#3996 Players now gain increased swimming speed and water breathing on quest accept
#3969 Quest event now starts properly
#3971 Quest event now starts properly
#3956 Corrected quest event
#3963 Quest event now starts properly
Uncategorized – Dread Wastes
#4400 Added quest completion text
Uncategorized – Kun-Lai Summit
#1207 Each Test now only spawns one Spirit
#1651 Added missing quest giver say
#2524 Muskpaw Jr. no longer gets stuck in uninteractible state
Uncategorized – The Jade Forest
#1949 Cloud Serpents now fly higher when following players
Uncategorized – Townlong Steppes
#4121 Quest reworked
#2129 Corrected pathing and behavior of Xiao Tu
#4399 Added missing event text
#4397 Corrected event on quest accept
#3602 Corrected Uruk’s immunities
Uncategorized – Vale of Eternal Blossoms
#4362 Delayed Clusterbombs now also explode when refreshed
#4214 Dominated Defenders can now be freed by dispelling Shao-Tien Domination
#3934 Fixed quest event if quest is available for multiple days in a row
Uncategorized – Valley of the Four Winds
#3739 Corrected quest chaining
NPCs (35)
#2744 Fixed list of items for sale
Dread Wastes
#4341 Corrected melee damage done by Ai-Li Skymirror
Heart of Fear
#2120 Dissonance Fields now knock back each other if they are too close
#2115 Fixed Echo of Attenuation’s Attenuation ability
#2115 Corrected Attenuation spells in Looking for Raid difficulty – fixes Deadly Boss Mods messages
Stonetalon Mountains
Deepmoss Webspinners now correctly ambush players that get too close to Webbed Rabbits
Terrace of Endless Spring
#2124 Hide now correctly stores its cooldown for each player separately
#2124 Hunters can no longer see Lei Shi during Hide with Hunter’s Mark
#2124 Get Away no longer causes visual issues with pet and guardian movement
#2124 Encounter now ends when Lei Shi drops below 1.4% health
#2124 Fixed encounter start in combat log
#2124 Hide is now removed on Berserk
#2124 Lei Shi’s treasure chest now only contains one item and one tier token in 10-man difficulties
#2125 Pet cooldowns and debuffs are now also reset during transition to second phase
#2125 Sated, Exhaustion and other similar debuffs are now removed during transition to second phase
#2125 Fixed Dread Spawn’s fixate
#2125 Huddle in Terror now prefers players without tanking specialization
#2125 Fixed transition to second phase when Sha of Fear has 100 energy
#2125 Dread Spawns are no longer immune to snares
#2125 Sha of Fear now only drops one item and one tier token in 10-man difficulties
#2125 Penetrating Bolt now targets random position around a player
#2125 Sha of Fear now retreats to The Dread Expanse at 66% health in Heroic difficulties
#2125 Thrash and Dread Thrash abilities now also count missed attacks
#2123 Embodied Terror’s Terrorize no longer targets Tsulong in Night phase
#2123 The Dark of Night now despawns when Day phase starts
#2123 Unstable Sha is no longer immune to interrupts
#2123 Tsulong no longer focuses target of Nightmares for longer than intended
#2123 Nightmares and Shadow Breath now postpone each other
#2123 Nightmares no longer benefit from radius bonus when moving
#2123 Fixed encounter start in combat log
#2123 Fixed Unstable Sha’s immunities
Townlong Steppes
#4350 Only one version of Niuzao is now visible while daily quests are active
Multiple Locations
#2965 Corrected interaction and quests handed out by Adyen the Lightwarden in Shattrath City
Unknown Location
#4261 Warlocks can now move while casting or channeling spells while having Molten Feather buff
#2266 Terracotta Gladiator now correctly attacks players
Items (13)
#3863 Kidnapped Puppies now despawn if player unequips Crate of Kidnapped Puppies trinket
#3863 Added correct visuals and combat behavior to Kidnapped Puppies
#3622 Whirlwind of Blades now despawns if player unequips Dynasty of Steel trinket
#3622 Added correct visuals and combat behavior to Whirlwind of Blades
#2064 Added correct visuals and combat behavior to Ghost Iron Dragonling
Martar the Not-So-Smart now despawns if player unequips Martar’s Magnifying Glass trinket
Added correct combat behavior to Martar the Not-So-Smart
Quilen Statuette now despawns if player unequips Quilen Statuette trinket
Tranquil Spout now despawns if player unequips Seed of Tranquil Growth trinket
Added correct combat behavior to Tranquil Spout
Terracotta Warrior now despawns if player unequips Terracotta Fragment trinket
Added correct combat behavior to Terracotta Warrior
#4245 Fixed reputation requirement for all satchels
Objects (10)
#2742 Added Ancient Tome to Scarlet Halls
Arthas’ Tears can no longer spawn in Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands and Felwood
Briarthorn now requires Herbalism skill of 1, instead of 70
Bruiseweed now requires Herbalism skill of 1, instead of 85
#4404 Players can no longer interact with doors in Heart of Fear
Earthroot now requires Herbalism skill of 1, down from 15
Lesser Bloodstone Deposit can no longer spawn in Arathi Highlands
Mageroyal now requires Herbalism skill of 1, down from 50
Silver Vein now requires Mining skill of 50, down from 65
Tin Vein now requires Mining skill of 1, down from 50