Heroic Terrace of Endless Spring Conquered!

Dear players,

on Monday, August 21st, a brave and valiant guild by the name of No Fun Allowed ventured forth into the ancient Heroic 10-man Terrace of Endless Spring, and stood before the dreaded Sha of Fear. It was a battle of wills and wits, of courage and cunning, but in the end, the Sha shiverred before their valor. With hearts as pure as the endless spring, they emerged victorious, becoming the first guild to conquer this heroic raid on Helios! Congratulations to these adventurers, to Becki, Bigotgold, Briklock, Chainhealing, Kamithin, Keonna, Nait, Result, Steran, and Sumsi. These are the verses to immortalize their victory!

With memories of battles and victories past,
They faced the Sha of Fear, shadows amassed.
Finally the monster trembled, under attacks it bowed,
Realizing it itself had no fun allowed.

And as the darkness fell, defeated and torn,
Through their conquests a new legend was born.
To the guild who conquered the Terrace’s test,
You’ve proven your strength, you’ve risen the best.

Congratulations to these skillful players, not only for this momentous triumph, but also for their courageous defeat of Grand Empress Shek’zeer in the Heart of Fear last month! These brave legends, as well as those came before them, shall be forever remembered in our Hall of Fame.

Who shall be the next to follow their steps?

Helios Team