HoF & ToES PTR Testing, Improvements and More
Dear players,
we hope you are all doing well and enjoying some thrilling adventures on Helios!
We are excited to announce that internal tests of Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring are finished and now they are ready for public testing on our MoP PTR realm. Without public testing with a large amount of testers, we would not be able to release such content in the quality we always stood behind, and that’s why we need you now! If you find any issues, please report them via the associated issues on our bug tracker: Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring.
To make testing easier for players, we have made some adjustments to the Twinstar Instance Guide NPC, which gives players who use it boosts to damage/HP/healing. It is now also larger and easier to spot, and available not only at the entrance to each raid but also at each boss. In addition, Dungeon Deserter and LFR cooldown have been disabled on the PTR.
There is also yet another cool new feature that has found its way onto the PTR and is ready for you to try out: support for cross-faction LFR! If everything goes well, it will be implemented on live soon!
As we are going through major internal management changes, we also plan to sort out many things from the past, including the rewards from previous MoP testings, and we are also preparing a rewarding system for the public testers.
Lastly, we would like to inform you that on Wednesday, we will be decreasing the heroic raid reduction percentages again, with these values:
10-man normal: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 20% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 20% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Happy testing!
Helios Team